Vertx - Getting started - Java

Vertx with Java.

Read overview @

To get started with your first application an interesting blog could come handy.

My Notes to get started with Vertx.

Step 1 : Add the dependency in your application.
Maven application: Add the below dependency.

Step 2 :
  1. Implement a verticle.
  2. Verticles is a component you deploy using vertex.
  3. Verticle has a start and stop method
  4. You can deploy a new verticle inside another verticle
Event Bus : 
Verticles listen to messages from the event bus. Or write messages to the event bus.

Verticles listen for messages on the address. Multiple verticles can listen for messages on the same address bus.
  1. Listen to messages via an event bus and an address.
  2. Send messages or publish to an event bus.

Verticles need to process blocks of data. In order to process data, (HTTP request or data loaded in the disk ) there is a Buffer interface.

Vertx HTTP Server

Create and start a server
Create a client : 
