Trying out some CRUD API's
The following link comes handy: GET /api/cars => getAllcars
- GET /api/cars/:id => get car with id =:id
- POST /api/car - add a new car
- PUT /api/car/:id - update a car
Vertex relies on Jackson to handle the JSON format.
Use the JSON.encodePretty to get your JSON response.
This post mainly deals with Get API.
- Get static JSON response
- Get data from the MySQL database.
In any API call Ensure to follow these 3 steps-
- Create a router - Router helps dispatch request
- Handler - Handler is the processing units. Process the request. It gets called when the result set is ready.
- Start the server
- Ensure the plugin in your pom file has the correct main verticle.
First get API with JSON response.
**Ensure to update your pom file always with the right class name of the verticle.
Step 1: Get a static JSON response:
Step 2: Getting data from the database using JDBI Client.
- Add the JDBC Client
- Creating the client
- Default Shared resouce. Same data source btw multiple client applications.
- Creating client without shared data source.
- Create the config
- Get the connection
- Closing the client connection
Getting Data using the Mysql Client :
In case you are using the MySQL database you can use the vertex asynchronous client.
** You may run into problems while using the mysql client vertx-mysql-postgresql-client 3.4.1 along with vertex-web core v 3.0.0 In such case change the core version to vertex-web 3.2.1
- Add the mysql client in the pom.xml file
- Configuration is a json object contating the following information
{ "host" : <your-host>, "port" : <your-port>, "maxPoolSize" : <maximum-number-of-open-connections>, "username" : <your-username>, "password" : <your-password>, "database" : <name-of-your-database>, "charset" : <name-of-the-character-set>, "queryTimeout" : <timeout-in-milliseconds> }
- Create the client using a shared resource
mySQLClient = MySQLClient.createShared(vertx, mysqlClientConfig);
- Getting the connection
- Close the connection - It is better to close the connection when you are done so that it will be given back to the connection pool and used by some other request.
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